We will remember them

We will remember them

We who are left, how shall we look again 

Happily on the sun or feel the rain,

Without remembering how they who went 

Ungrudgingly, and spent 

Their all for us, loved, too, the sun and rain? 

The project to publish a new anthology of poems and readings to mark the centenary of the end of the 1st World War has been both harrowing and uplifting. Harrowing, because it has meant going back over the grim truths surrounding that conflict during which so many – men, women and children – were so brutally affected. Uplifting, because it has shown us how much young people still care about a war that finished almost a century ago, and which by rights they might expect to be confined to History lessons, remote from their 21st century reality. It has also been a great opportunity to revisit the poetry from that time, not least some lesser known work by women such as Wilfred Wilson Gibson, quoted above.

As schools up and down the country prepare to mark this centenary, we are offering a 40% discount on copies of Never Again ordered before 11th November. Stock is limited, so it will be first come first served.

Please quote code NA1111 at the checkout to purchase copies of the book at the discounted price of £5.99 plus p and p.

Order your books HERE