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WW1 troops at railway station

Ready for Christmas?

The young men who marched off to war in 1914, driven by a patriotic fervour and confidence in the justice of their cause, believed that

Marlborough Officer Training Corp

Dulce et decorum est

Dulce et decorum est At this time of uncertainty over Britain’s place in the world, it is interesting to cast one’s mind back 100 years

Never Again World We Will Remember Them

We will remember them

Every year we remember those who died in the service of their country on what people typically refer to as Poppy Day. This year the


Wellbeing and social media

I have recently subscribed to a YouTube channel called Book Break, which does a weekly video about books recommended by the team at Pan Macmillan.

The Chapel Repton School

Repton – the hymn tune!

                      We were delighted to complete the publication of Repton’s new hymn book this month,

Now and Forever Leavers Books

Time to get ready for Speech Day

Gifts for your leavers As you prepare to say goodbye to this year’s school leavers, there are a number of ways that you can help

The Day of Resurrection with Ellacombe

The Day of Resurrection

Easter is an opportunity to show the best musicianship that your church or chapel can offer – a chance to really pull out all the

School children with hymn books and music

Music to my ears

No doubt you read in the TES this week about the benefits that music offers to young people’s mental health. I was drummed out of

school hymn book

Can pictures speak louder than words?

We have just completed the reprint of Manor House’s lovely school hymn book, and were rather taken by the illustrations used throughout the book. On